August 19 Slam Crate


I have realized I haven't reviewed any of the Slam Crates I have gotten recently. Honestly, I don't know where they came since they have been a hit and miss with the delays. I think this is the August one which was SummerSlam themed from what I can find.

There was no item card or poster so honestly who knows so here we go.

Stone Cold Beverage Co. Can cooler. Honestly, I had no clue what the hell this was. It took some time and a conversation with Jenn to realize you put can drinks in. So the second picture is it filled with sprites. You can fit 5 in it. I don't know what I'm gonna do with it exactly, but I do like the idea of it.


Becky Lynch Bust. I dig this one too. These busts are way better than the figures still. I love Becky and the bust is perfection. Plus it actually looks like her. This is currently sitting proudly on my desk.


Roman Reigns pin. This is the first time these crates have ever had a non-title pin and honestly, I'm not a fan. I like Roman but I don't care for this pin and have no clue why they chose to put it in the box.


Finally, this super sweet Jeff Hardy T-shirt which I love. Honestly, this may be my favorite shirt they have put in here. I love the colors and honestly, it looks like something Jeff would design himself. He hasn't been on tv in what seems like forever so I'm not sure why they picked him for this box, but I'm not disappointed I love anything Team Extreme.

While I like everything in this box I don't get the theme. None of it makes much sense. Ok, the cooler does since it was summer but I don't think any thought was put it in. However, there isn't an item list telling us why so.

If you want to sign up for this one or any Loot Crate. There is a  link below,

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October 19 Slam Crate


June 19 Slam Crate